Non-profit social & support network of English speakers in the Pau area since 1988

Walk - Richette - sur le chemin des résistants
+/- 7km with 130M climb. Starting in Place Nolivos, Buziet (43° 08′ 07.4484″ N, 000° 28′ 41.9295″ W). From D920 take Rue du Nord, to Mairie then rue de l'Eglise (rue d'Aban-Nolivos) to end (Labarthe). By a big water fountain & signboard. This village and Buzy saw a couple of ugly massacres in 1944.
Time & Location
06 Sept 2021, 10:00
Place Nolivos, 64680 Buziet, France
More Details
In 1944, the village was surrounded on July 17 by the Nazis. The maquisards of Buziet, mostly Spaniards and Catalans, live in Bager. The Germans after having gathered all the able-bodied men of the village decide to shoot twenty-two guerrillas. Only one who tried to escape managed to escape from the firing squad. A commemoration of this massacre takes place every year in July. During this day of July 17, two women from the village were also killed at close range in their respective homes. (from Wikipedia.fr)