Non-profit social & support network of English speakers in the Pau area since 1988

Pyrenean Plodders - Passerelle d’Holzarte
Here is a walk for those who have no fear of heights! It includes a bridge (passerelle) spanning a 180 m deep gorge. It takes about 3.5/4 hours to complete the loop and is designated as moderate with a 620m dénivelé with some great views. Leader: Rob Short
Time & Location
05 May 2023, 09:00 – 18:00
Passerelle d'Holzarte, Holzarte, 64560 Larrau, France
More Details
For those of you interested, and with taking advantage of car sharing in mind, can you sign up to confirm you are coming. Travel time to the start point is about 1 hr 20 mins from the covoiturage parking at Village Emmaus. I will have three spaces in my car so it will be first come first served. Depending on numbers we may need more than one car.
I am planning to do a recce on Wednesday 19th April and if anyone would like to keep me company they would be most welcome!
Below is a Google map link with more info and pics.